Hello world.
Today is a good day. A wonderful one indeed. The sky is that little bit clearer (because I think so) and the sun is that little bit brighter (despite it being approximately 12-15deg this morning). It is the day the Lord my God rose from the dead and showed that He conquered death; that the grave could not contain Him. What man ultimately struggles with, or is defeated by, the God of this world, our Creator, He is not bound by those same limitations.
Which to me almost makes sense, because how can a potter be bound by the same restrictions as the clay he moulds? To realise that we worship a living God has got to be one of the greatest revelations of all in my life. Despite all the guilt, tears and anger I had in me throughout my life, this revelation brought love and above all else, peace. 'Having peace in the uncertainties' as Oswald Chambers said in his devotional book. Peace, that when I am struggling, God is walking me through this- that He already held out His hand for me to reach and is beaming with pride as I courageously (not so much in comparison to His strength, but nonetheless courage in His name) step out for Him.
Often the question asked is "Why me? Why did the God of heaven and earth send His one and only Son to die a painful death, for me?" But to God, I like to think He never asked that question, but instead posed another- "Why not you?" God obviously saw something in me I couldn't see. He saw value in me even more I neglected Him and swept Him away into a box labelled "RESIDUAL TIME". And God sees just the same in you. Whether you want it or not.
Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Not reincarnation, but resurrection. He was no different post-death to pre-death. He was the same powerful God who chose to give His life for us because He knew there would have been no other way for us to be with God had He not suffered the penalty. Jesus wasn't a coward. He was love. Love filled abundantly with courage and strength that even when He died on that ugly cross, He still thought of us saying "Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing." (Luke 23:34) Even when our sinful nature battered and bruised Him to the depths of His soul, He still pleads for mercy on our behalf. Where else do you find such love?
Jesus Christ is my God. Not the God, but my God. I have a relationship with Him and I sure hope you do because He surely didn't leave you out. And He proclaimed victory today over all the sufferings of mankind to bring hope to the world, that is us.
When Satan tempts me to despair,
And tells me of the guilt within,
Upward I look and see Him there,
Who made an end of all my sins.
Because the sinless Saviour died,
My sinful soul is counted free,
For God the just is satisfied,
To look on Him and pardon me,
To look on Him and pardon me.
(Before the Throne of God Above)
Let the songs I sing bring joy to You,
Let the words I say profess my love,
Let the notes I choose be your favorite tune.
Father let my heart be after You.
(Garden; NeedtoBreathe)
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