Thursday, April 5, 2012

Mindless Mundanities

Times I spend on the bus result in several things.
Inspiration for my fictional stories but also, hypothetical situations. I don't mean hypothetical situations of tomorrow, but rather, bus rides let me wonder what would have happened if I chose certain things or refrained from others. 

When that seed is planted in my head, a mental projection of 10 to 15 years takes place where I think how my life would be if I made that particular decision. What would it be like if I decided to pursue Music instead of Arts as my first degree? Would I have been a musician singing/playing piano in the shades of jazz bars or concerts? What would it be like have I dated X? What would it be like if I was born to hate children? What would have happened then?

As much as I love reality, sometimes a bit of time out just gives me space to roam the other 'potential worlds'. It's almost like Abed in Community S3E4 'Remedial Chaos Theory' where he considers parallel worlds. Now, not entirely like that- but similar. Besides, you don't appreciate what's in front of you until it's gone. And for that minute or two, reality is somewhat gone and when I come back to it, I'm happy I made those decisions.

What a mindless post.

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