The great thing about buying things online is that they don't come all together and what happens is you end up with a series of joyful days with surprise gifts! It's like your birthday for five days in a row!
Two packages came in today- one from Koorong and one from Book Depository, both purchased with discounts (self-satisfied). 'Invisible Man' was SURPRISINGLY THICK which definitely took me by surprise, but considering the number of people in this internet-sphere who have said it was amazing, I shall challenge myself to read this along with LOTR I and the many other books I have. I shall aim to have 3 non-Christian novels read and 3 Christian books read. Challenge accepted.
I've already started listening to this because I unpacked it and chucked it into the car almost immediately on the way to uni today. Loving the EP look of the album but also, just the roadtrip feel NeedtoBreathe gives through their music. Maybe I'll even do an album review soon!
Catching the bus home always gives me time to think. Will share on today's thoughts sometime this week.
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